Updated: Dec 29, 2021
"Heartbeats only happen one at a time, one at a time
You can't rush a moment so don't even try, don't even try
There's a symphony you're missing
If you only listen you'll find...
Big magic in the mundane
The big picture in a small frame
Everything is sacred when you take time to notice
Big love happens in the small moments"
- JJ Heller
Look out for your small moments this day
See the big love in them...
There is magic in the mundane
There is beauty in the ordinary
Sacredness exist in everything
you hold dear...
If you're looking to have beautiful photos taken with your loved ones, reach out to us at hello@momostudio.sg or +65 88070896 for a chat. :)
We are honoured to be featured in Singapore's Finest Services website of being the top 10 finest photo studios in Singapore.
Click HERE to find out more.
Updated: Dec 19, 2020
Special thanks to 新加坡美食网 for the feature on 小红书 ! :) Click HERE to read the full article.
在以前,拍写真照,总是只会发生在人生的重要时刻,比如新婚,比如新生。 但是近年来,国内迸发出了一批摄影工作室,让‘拍写真’的门槛变得更低;让留存美好的瞬间变得容易;让回忆变得更加具体。 心情好的时候可以拍;有了萌宠也可以拍;家里添了新成员更可以拍! 但是在新加坡,没有*马体,没有*真蓝 ,更没有满电梯吵吵闹闹的*爵旅拍。 但是我们有Momo Studio啊!Momo Studio新加坡本地一家专注拍摄家庭、宠物、新生儿等关系题材的摄影工作室。 不同于传统的模式,Momo Studio更倾向于抓拍。不强凹造型,在你们互动的时候,捕捉到最动人的那一瞬间。